





Dr. 西德·米特拉站在黑板前,黑板上写着方程式.
Dr. Sid Mittra was one of the eleven faculty members to launch the School of Economics and Management at 十大菠菜台子 in 1969.

自1969年以来扎根于十大菠菜台子社区, the 工商管理学院 flourished under the guidance of expert faculty, 校友的成就,学生的崭露头角.

五十年后, the OU business school delivers internationally recognized programs and partners with businesses to address challenges, while its faculty members research emerging issues and educate tomorrow’s leaders. 本科生人数已满, 研究生和高管项目, 开放大学商学院散发出超过50年历史的成熟气息.


反思学校的成长,罗纳德·霍维茨,博士.D., dean of the school from 1979-1990, observed, “Fifty years has created a heritage.” Dr. 霍维茨, 荣誉退休教授, oversaw the metamorphosis from School of Economics and Management to 工商管理学院, 并领导了学校的第一个AACSB认证.

Conscious of the role he played in building the foundation of 奥克兰’s young business school, Dr. 霍维茨依靠过去来开拓通往未来的道路. “当我们中的任何一个(霍维茨和教务长基思·克莱奇纳)遇到危机时, 我们会在校园里散步,” Dr. 霍维茨说. “我们伸开肩膀,互相靠着.”

Dr. 霍维茨 is pictured with then O U business students Pipier Scott and Sonya Roberts.

他非常注重为学生建立一个社区. Ron 霍维茨 led the transformation of School of Economics and Management to 工商管理学院 in the 1980s. Dr. 霍维茨 is pictured with then OU business students Pipier Scott and Sonya Roberts.

在这些时刻, he refocused on everything that is the 十大菠菜台子 工商管理学院: nature, 扩展和社区.

博士. 霍维茨, community meant creating one for business students as well as inviting business leaders into the school, laying the groundwork for integrating professional development and experiential learning into the curriculum.

成立了学校的第一个参观委员会, 由詹姆斯·麦克唐纳主持, 当时的总统, 通用汽车(General Motors), and introducing courses to address business demands to nurturing the growth of active student organizations, Dr. 霍维茨, 加上强大的师资队伍, 推动了今天工商管理学院的成功.

“与学生保持联系是非常重要的。. 霍维茨说. “这就是我们保持相关性的方式.”


从1968年到2006年, 约翰·托尔担任教授, 顾问, associate dean and two appointments as interim dean of the OU 工商管理学院.

联系和相关性影响了十大菠菜台子的战略决策. 在这个成长过程中, 学校开设了第一个硕士课程, 管理学硕士, 后来演变成了MBA, 扩展专业和课程, 并创建了今天存在的四个学术部门. 着眼于未来,Dr. 霍维茨监督开设了货币和资本市场课程, 今天的金融和数据课程的起源是什么.

The reputation the business school has for its active student organizations that connect students to professionals grew from this era. α Psi, 专业的金融信息兄弟会, 美国市场营销协会和OASIS, 奥克兰会计学生信息协会, 在这个时候发射, 为后来的许多商业组织播下了种子.


Across the decades, the school remained true to its heritage while focusing on its future. 在Dr. 霍维茨的领导和迈克尔·A. Mazzeo, Ph值.D., 谁在2013年至2022年期间担任院长和金融学教授, 这所学校的规模越来越大, 声誉和入学率. 学校领导拥抱跨学科的理解, 将科技融入课程, 拓展体验式学习, 并增加对专业精神和职业准备的关注.

R的剪彩仪式. Hugh and Nancy Elliott Hall of Business and Information Technology.

2000年秋天,十大菠菜台子开设了R. Hugh and Nancy Elliott Hall of Business and Information Technology, 工商管理学院所在地.

New programs like the cross-disciplinary Applied Technology in Business in 1997, the Executive MBA program in 2000 and the AACSB-recognized best-in-class ACHIEVE career and professional development program in 2008 enhanced the legacy. In fall 2000, the school moved into its current home when the university opened the R. Hugh and Nancy Elliott Hall of Business and Information Technology, 感谢艾略特家族的长期支持.

随着国际市场重要性的提高, business faculty members expanded global partnerships and scholarly activities. The curriculum reflected this as faculty offered internationally focused projects and global immersion opportunities.

The dedication of OU business school leaders elevated the emphasis on real-world, 课堂内外的实践学习, formally integrated career and professional development into the curriculum, and advanced the understanding of the technological shifts driving the business world through applied research.


经常听到有人说这所学校是一颗隐藏的宝石. Mazzeo made it his mission to elevate the business school’s reputation within and beyond the region. 建立在社区和联系的基石上, 以学生为中心的成功战略重点形成. “The accomplished faculty and dedicated staff members of OU’s business school community are committed to student success, 从课堂到职场,”医生说。. Mazzeo.

This focus on student success is illustrated by strategic decisions to adapt academic programs to address emerging business trends. From preparing business students across disciplines with an understanding of analytics to introducing programs in the burgeoning areas of information security, 财富管理和金融科技, 商科教师和学生专注于引领商业的未来.


In 2015, the 工商管理学院 launched a student-investment fund and created a trading floor in Elliott Hall.

A partnership with The Kresge Foundation in 2015 fueled 奥克兰’s $2-million student-managed investment fund and inspired the creation of a Trading Floor in Elliott Hall, where business students master professional-level programs and gain real-world experience.

不断变化的技术影响着商业世界. Mazzeo. “市场营销, 金融, 会计, 管理信息系统, 甚至是人力资源, 现在结合理解分析如何驱动决策.”

商业荣誉直接录取计划, 2018年秋季推出, delivers a cohort-based honors curriculum for high-achieving freshmen and transfer students.

A front seat to the global world of business became a reality for more business students thanks to increased scholarship support, 教师主导的旅行和海外学习机会. 对许多奥克兰商学院的学生来说, 这是他们第一次有机会出国旅行,”医生说。. Mazzeo.

A Career Services team dedicated to business students combined with active student organizations to connect students to employers, 在开始他们的职业生涯之前建立他们的网络. 今天, OU’s business school is home to more than a dozen industry-oriented student organizations, which welcome a steady stream of guest speakers who give students insight into career paths.

今天, OU’s School of Business is home to more than a dozen industry-oriented student organizations. 在学年期间, student organizations welcome a steady stream of guest speakers from area organizations who give students insight into career paths and the chance to expand their network.

“The emphasis on career and professional development through Career Services, ACHIEVE and student organizations mean students are equipped to seamlessly move from student to professional, 从课堂到职业,”医生说。. Mazzeo.

取一个 视频之旅 Through the Decades of the 十大菠菜台子 工商管理学院.
